Thursday, January 19, 2023

Thursday, January 12, 2023

ArcGIS Experience Builder

The ArcGIS Experience Builder is (almost) too much power: image combining the powers of Story Masp, web apps, dashboards, and the WebAp Builder into one. Now you get an interactive playground of pages, embeds, widgets, and more. That's cool. The interface is still a little wonky and confusing, but I'm sure Esri will clean it up.

That being said: I'm not sure what the use case is here. It seems like an awfully-complex option to share your web maps and most people are probably better off using Story Maps and web apps to keep things simpler.

Get started with this tutorial: Get started with ArcGIS Experience Builder

Monday, January 9, 2023

Monday, January 2, 2023


SatelliteXplorer is a fun way to explore all the satellites that are orbiting our planet. I had no idea that SpaceX owns almost 43 percent of all satellites!