Thursday, September 12, 2024

EJAtlas - Global Atlas of Environmental Justice

This is very cool:

The Spheres

Let's review the Earth's Spheres:
  • Biosphere = all living things.
  • Ecosphere = all living things + their physical environments (that's basically the definition of an ecosystem). The term 'ecosphere' is now used with respect to regions of space where living things could exist.
  • Geo-ecosphere = an alternative for the term 'Earth System'.
  • Anthropsphere = the part of Earth inhabited and/or influenced and/or modified by humans. Also called: the humanosphere. This could the considered the fifth sphere in addition to atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere.
  • Technosphere = all the human artifacts on Earth and in space. especially those connected to the extraction and transport of energy sources.
  • Builtsphere = everything that has been built.
Read the full paper @ Earth’s spheres: Conceptual and definitional debates.


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Massive Interactive Energy Flow Chart

These energy flow charts are great!

Image Maps in Esri Story Maps

Image maps embedded in websites were cool back in the mid-1990s and since then there have been a few different apps and tool to turn an image into a 'map'. Now, Esri added that capability to Story Maps!