Saturday, June 29, 2024


Pretty good overview video of avalanches: how they form & how they are prevented.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

New Climate Zones & Climate Twins

Here are some newish interactive web 'presentations' or 'story maps' - I am not sure anymore what to call these things:
One flaw here is the lack of logical geography. For example, the analog for southern NH is presented to be somewhere due west in Idaho. That may make sense from the pure climate data, but makes no sense in terms of the overall geography.

This is also prety good: Klimazwillinge
The geography makes a little more sense (although it 'twins' Boston with Piraeus on Greece...), but the 'website' is in German...seriously?

Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Dumbest Idea Ever!

Seriously: who is funding this nonsense & why give them any journalistic attention? 

Friday, June 7, 2024

Humboldt Glacier’s Demise

The latest from NASA: The Humboldt Glacier's Demise

Now please stop asking me about it...the Humboldt Glacier was already stagnant back when I mapped it in 2015 and nothing really has changed - it just shrinks and shrinks. I supposed someone at some point has to declare it 'gone', but much of this latest fanfare and 'reclassification' seems more like an attention grab than a relevant scientific discovery to me.

Become a data viz SUPERSTAR

This loks promising: Become a data viz SUPERSTAR is a 5-part YouTube series from the folks @ storytelling with data to become, well, a data viz superstar. Could be usefuf for teaching data analysis and data viz.

Hannah Ritchie Data Projects

Hannah Ritchie has put together some really nice interactive charts and data on her website @

  • US States: electricity prices
  • US States: electricity sources
  • EV sales, charging, etc.
  • EV ranges over time
More good stuff on her Substack @

Monday, June 3, 2024

Hurricanes & You

Here are two nice web apps to explore hurricanes that impacted your particular area:

A little odd: Hurricanes Diane & Connie (August 1955) seem to be missing for my area here in Western MA & northern CT?