Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Spheres

Let's review the Earth's Spheres:
  • Biosphere = all living things.
  • Ecosphere = all living things + their physical environments (that's basically the definition of an ecosystem). The term 'ecosphere' is now used with respect to regions of space where living things could exist.
  • Geo-ecosphere = an alternative for the term 'Earth System'.
  • Anthropsphere = the part of Earth inhabited and/or influenced and/or modified by humans. Also called: the humanosphere. This could the considered the fifth sphere in addition to atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere.
  • Technosphere = all the human artifacts on Earth and in space. especially those connected to the extraction and transport of energy sources.
  • Builtsphere = everything that has been built.
Read the full paper @ Earth’s spheres: Conceptual and definitional debates.


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