Wednesday, August 28, 2024

A.I. ‐ Humanity's Final Invention?


Great video - basically the story/history of intelligence & artificial intelligence.

  • The general trend: narrow to general.
  • Key step: self-learning by combining the power of super computers & Big Data.
  • Then came ChatGPT, but that is still narrow AI: it can write and write well, but does not understand what it is writing.
But what about General AI = intelligence that is broad like human intelligence?
  • This is now referred to AGI.
  • AGI = humans, but much faster.
  • AGI is not limited by the physical & biological limits of humans.
  • AGI can be copied millions of times at an instant.
This then could lead to a self-improving AGI & a so-called Intelligence Explosion to create a Superintelligence Entity that is much much more intelligent than humans. Here's a scary quote from the video: "And We have not been  Kind to what we perceive less Intelligent beings.”

For now, the limiting factor in the development of AI / AGI seems to be electrical power - there is just not enough available these days - need nuclear fusion!

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