Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Climate Twins (again)

Here's another Climate Twins web app: What will climate feel like in 60 years?

Two noteworthy things about this one: 1) uses a global data set and 2) can show you very localized cities - not just the big ones.

UHI + Global Warming Map

Nice web app showing the UHI + Global Warming across 65 U.S. cities at the block group level:

Thursday, July 11, 2024

The John Snow Map

The first 'modern' map perhaps, depicting the spatial relationship between cholera cases & drinking water supply in 1854 in London. Here are two great ways to explore it:
The interactive web app is nice, but also an example of how much more data viz and data storytelling you can do with an Esri Story Map.

SAR Imagery from Sentinel-1

SAR 'imagery' is great, but very different from the imagery that we are used to seeing from digital cameras or satellites. Now Esri offers us the Sentinel-1 Explorer to let us see the SAR data - cool!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Thursday, July 4, 2024

The National Risk Map (by FEMA)

This web map is great @ https://hazards.fema.gov/nri/map
But, FEMA - please: your color ramps are terrible!